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I believe that fitness is meant to be fun, and that exercise is a celebration of what our body can do. I know that everyone has individual goals and needs when it comes to health, wellness, movement, happiness, nutrition, inner peace, and competitive fitness, and that these goals can all be achieved through strategic planning and putting in the work. There is no magic pill, there are no shortcuts, but the changes we dream of when it comes to our bodies and minds are possible and worth pursuing. 

I've always had a love for sports, dance, movement, and spending time in nature. I've also always been drawn to unconventional sports and hobbies, and dancing to the beat of my own drum.  As a kid I played Soccer, did breakdancing, gymnastics, dance, hiking, and trekking. As an adult I fell in love with obstacle course racing, Animal Flow, yoga, Olympic lifting, and rock climbing to name a few of my hobbies.


At the age of 42 I'm finding myself in the best shape of my life, and I didn't get here by fad diets (but I did try them, been there done that), or by following some influencer's or celebrity's exercise plan (tried that too, never again). I got here by:

1st, gaining over a dozen certifications that qualify me to teach, instruct, and coach myself and others focused on fitness, nutrition, and holistic health.

2nd: participating in exercise and nutrition programming that I actually enjoyed doing.

3rd: By learning over the years how to best implement these techniques to achieve the goals I set.


Another thing I have always been drawn to is teaching and coaching others, this is a role I've held over the past decade in a few different career fields, and the coaching hat is easily my favorite to wear in life. Helping others grow into the best version of themselves has over time become my obsession, and I'm pretty much in love with watching the people I coach transform into the best version of themselves. 

I founded Vital Movement to serve others by sharing my knowledge, experience, skills, and expertise. I see every person who trains/practices/moves with me one on one as an individual, with differing needs and wants, and I make personalized plans to help you reach your goals while making it fun for you. Book your free consultation today to get started working with me.


I also offer self-paced programs for people who desire to work independently, these programs are also results focused and super fun. These can be found under the "programs" tab and are being added gradually based on demand.


If you are local in the Raleigh-Durham area of NC I offer group fitness classes at several locations around the triangle, sign up for my mailing list to get updated on when and where those classes happen. 

Some of My Fitness, Nutrition, and Health Coaching Certifications include: 

  • NASM certified personal trainer

  • Spartan SGX level 2 coach

  • Animal Flow Level 1 Certified

  • Animal Flow Regional Leader for the Carolinas

  • FMS (Functional Movement Screen) level 2

  • Certified DEKA coach

  • TRX qualified

  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 certified nutrition coach

  • Precision Nutrition Level 2 - Master Health Coach

  • 200-hr RYT yoga instructor

  • Functional Kettlebell Training (PPSC)


I believe that movement and food are some of the best medicines

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